Creekside is a quaint neighborhood in Ward 2 of St. Louis Park. The Creekside neighborhood is bordered by Excelsior Boulevard to the north, the City of Edina to the south, Brookside Avenue to the east, and the City of Hopkins to the west. Residents in Creekside number approximately 419 people.
In total, the neighborhood is laid out over 218.9 acres with 7 residential blocks. Creekside primarily consists of single-family homes, with a few apartments and businesses on Excelsior Boulevard. There are 191 housing units, 171 single family homes, 2 townhomes, 12 apartments, and 6 duplexes. Creekside is one of the oldest neighborhoods. About 50 percent of the houses were built before 1940, and 18 percent were built before 1920. The average year the single family homes were built was 1939. While there are several housing options, the majority of neighborhood is comprised of Meadowbrook Golf Course.
Meadowbrook Golf Course occupies about 65 percent of the entire Creekside neighborhood. Meadowbrook is a lovely course established in 1926. In 2014, extensive flooding of the course caused Meadowbrook to close for renovation. The course is expected to reopen in 2017 with higher, drier, and reconfigured greens as well a plan for handling future flooding problems. Meadowbrook will feature an 18-hole, par 71 course, a driving range, and new clubhouse.
There is one park within the Creekside neighborhood. Meadowbrook Park is situated on Meadowbrook Lake. This park is a peaceful natural area featuring wetlands.
If you have any questions regarding the Creekside Neighborhood, the city of St. Louis Park, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to give or call 1-800-909-1953.