“Staging” refers to all the things you can do to make your home sparkle, which we know through experience is a KEY to obtaining the highest possible sales price.
Create good “curb appeal”. When the potential purchasers step from the salesperson’s car and see you home for the first time, you want that first impression to be a “WOW”! The lawn, bushes, flowers, etc., should be kept cut, trimmed, and edged.
At the front door you want to maintain that great first impression. As the potential purchasers wait to enter your home they will be inspecting its exterior condition. So, be sure the front door and surrounding area are scrubbed clean and painted if necessary. You may wish to enhance the entrance area with decorative planter of colorful flowering plants.
Keep the window areas clean and dressed up with curtains or drapes. Keep the curtains or drapes open when the home is being shown so as to keep the interior bright and cheery.
If any of the interior walls need scrubbing or painting it is a good idea to get that accomplished immediately. Money spent on interior painting is usually more than recovered in the final sales price. Be sure to use a bright and neutral color.
Be sure to keep the kitchen area sparkling and neat since it is an area of major importance. This is not always convenient, but the kitchen often sells the home.
The bathrooms are also utmost importance. Be sure to keep them scrubbed and neat.
Make up the beds each day and make sure all clothes are hung neatly away.
During evening showings be sure to leave lights on in each room. This helps to show the home in its best light and makes the potential purchasers feel welcome.
Keep all stairways clear of hazards. Make sure dishes, clothes, toys, newspapers and magazines, etc., are put away.
Keep the family pet out of the way during showing. If the potential purchasers are uneasy around your pet, they will not want to stay. And, if they enjoy seeing your pet, they will be distracted. In either case, they are not focused on your home.
It is important for the potential purchasers to feel as comfortable as possible while in your home. So as not to make them feel as if they are intruding, it is a good idea for you and your children to leave them alone with the salesperson. They will then feel more comfortable t stay and take a good look, and the salesperson can doe his/her job. They will find you if they have a question.
The more your home looks like a model home the closer to top market value you will receive!
If you’d like additional information about staging or selling your home in the Twin Cities or surrounding suburbs, feel free to call Realtor David Olson (www.DavidOlsonRealEstate.com) direct at 952.314.9446.