The Crowne Hill neighborhood is situated on Crowne Hill Road off of Essex Road in northeast Minnetonka. Crowne Hill boasts beautiful homes, a family-friendly community, and great location. Within Crowne Hill, houses range in price from $900,000 to $1.8 million.

Ridgedale Center, Minnetonka, MN
Crowne Hill is within close proximity to some of the top amenities throughout Minnetonka. Residents of the neighborhood have easy access to a wide variety of entertainment, shopping, and dining options including Ridgehaven Mall, Ridgedale Center, Big Willow Park, Grays Bay, Minneapolis Golf Club, Westwood Hills Nature Center, and Colonial Square. Ridgehaven Mall, Ridgedale Center, and Colonial Square boast top-notch shopping and dining opportunities in the area. Big Willow is a 95-acre community park featuring extensive trails, scenic natural areas, and sports fields. The Minneapolis Golf Club is a fantastic amenity boasting an excellent course, exceptional dining, elegant events, and a variety of options for families.

Wayzata High School, Plymouth, MN
Residents of Crowne Hill are served by Independent School District 284. Wayzata Public Schools is an excellent district dedicated to providing students with exceptional educational programs designed to inspire and help them excel. One school in the area is Sunset Hills Elementary School. Sunset Hills Elementary serves 580 students in Kindergarten through 5th grade providing an excellent educational program designed to enrich each student’s learning experience. Other schools in the area include Birchview Elementary School, Central Middle School, Wayzata East Middle School, Wayzata High School, and Fourth Baptist Christian School.