Post by ● Sep 9, 2016

City of Lexington: Parks & Trails

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The city of Lexington, Minnesota covers a total area of 0.69 square miles and is home to two parks. Lexington’s parks offer numerous recreational activities that residents of all ages will enjoy. Although there are not an abundance of Parks in Lexington, there are several in nearby cities that all residents can enjoy.

Lexington Memorial Park: A community park that all residents can enjoy. Lexington Memorial Park features numerous baseball fields and is home to numerous youth sports teams in Centennial Lakes Little League. Along with baseball fields the park features playground equipment, a tennis court, and plenty of open space.Lexington Memorial Park is a popular place to be in the summer months.

Tot Park: A small neighborhood park in the southeast part of town. Tot Park features playground equipment and open space making it the perfect place for kids to go and enjoy the outdoors.

If you have any questions regarding the city of Lexington, Minnesota, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to visit or call 1-800-909-1953.