Post by ● Jun 6, 2015

City of Robbinsdale: A Brief Overview

Tagged: Buyers, Community Profiles, Robbinsdale Minnesota, Sellers, , , , ,

Located in the western suburbs of Minnesota and a part of Hennepin County, Robbinsdale is a thriving city that offers a variety of amenities. The city has a population of 14,500, and it continues to flourish. The geographic area of the city covers close to 3-square miles, and is 15 minutes west of Minneapolis.

Minnesota State Highway 100 and County Road 81 are two of the main routes through the city. They connect with Interstate 394 and U.S. Highway 169. These routes act as main arteries through the city that provide ways of transportation to and from Robbinsdale. The Modern-day city of Robbinsdale is largely residential, and it has many parks, education options, and community life aspects that make it a great place to live. Feel free view our supporting articles for this great city in order to learn more about its terrific community.

If you have any questions regarding the city of Robbinsdale, Minnesota, or if you would like to sell or buy a house in the area, please feel free to visit or call 1-800-909-1953.